New Paper: Back to Class: from Equality of Educational Opportunity to Social Equality

Posted on April 2, 2024

A new paper of mine on educational justice called “Back to Class: from Equality of Educational Opportunity to Social Justice” has officially been accepted for publication at Ethics. Here is the abstract:

This essay argues for an expansion of the egalitarian toolbox for critiquing systems of education from the point of view of social justice. It begins by examining familiar egalitarian approaches to equality of opportunity and social justice before examining more recent approaches to expanding the egalitarian toolbox defended by Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz, approaches which appeal to the notions of democratic equality and equal democratic citizenship respectively. It argues that while both the familiar and new approaches form an important part of the egalitarian toolbox, they both have limitations which call for an approach to educational justice more directly concerned with social equality. The essay then develops such an approach based on a sociologically informed approach to social class and social status.